Benefit and pension rates 2023 to 2024 (2024)

Table of Contents
Attendance Allowance Benefit Cap Bereavement Benefit Bereavement Support Payment Capital limits Tariff Income Tariff income - Pension Credit and Housing Benefit where claimant / partner is over State Pension age Carer’s Allowance Deductions Non-dependant deductions from housing benefit and from IS, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) and Pension Credit Deductions from housing benefit Service charges for fuel Third party deductions from IS, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) and Pension Credit Child Maintenance Deduction Arrears of Community Charge Fine or compensation order Recovery of overpayments (not contribution-based JSA or contribution-based ESA) Fraud Overpayments Dependency Increases Adult dependency increases for spouse or person looking after children. Child Dependency Increases Disability Living Allowance Disregards Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA(IR)) and Pension Credit Earnings rules Earnings level at which adult dependency increases (ADI) are affected Earnings level at which child dependency increases are affected Pension income threshold Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Personal Allowances Premiums Components Housing Benefit Personal allowances Lone parent Premiums ESA components Incapacity Benefit Income Support Personal Allowances Dependent children Premiums Relevant sum for strikers Industrial Death Benefit Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Constant attendance allowance Jobseeker’s Allowance Contribution based JSA Income-based JSA personal allowances Income-based JSA premiums Prescribed sum for strikers Maternity Allowance Pension Credit Personal Independence Payment Severe Disablement Allowance State Pension New State Pension Old State Pension Statutory Adoption Pay Statutory Maternity Pay Statutory Paternity Pay Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay Statutory Sick Pay Universal Credit Minimum amount Standard allowance Child amounts Disabled child additions Limited Capability for Work Carer amount Childcare costs amount Non-dependants’ Work allowances Universal Credit daily reduction Third Party Deductions Deductions for rent and service charges Overall Maximum deduction Rate at 25% of UC Standard Allowance Fraud Overpayments, Recoverable Hardship Payments and Administrative Penalties Ordinary overpayments Child Maintenance Deduction Capital limit - Universal Credit Widow’s Benefit Widowed mother’s allowance Widow’s pension References

Benefit and pension rates 2023 to 2024 (1)

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Weekly rates unless otherwise stated

Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher rate 92.40 101.75
Lower rate 61.85 68.10

Benefit Cap

Annual level of Benefit Cap (Greater London) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Couples (with or without children) or single claimants with a child of qualifying age 23,000.00 25,323.00
Single adult households without children 15,410.00 16,967.00
Annual level of Benefit Cap (Rest of Great Britain) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Couples (with or without children) or single claimants with a child of qualifying age 20,000.00 22,020.00
Single adult households without children 13,400.00 14,753.00
Monthly equivalent (Greater London) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Couples (with or without children) or single claimants with a child of qualifying age 1,916.67 2,110.25
Single adult households without children 1,284.17 1,413.92
Monthly equivalent (Rest of Great Britain) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Couples (with or without children) or single claimants with a child of qualifying age 1,666.67 1,835.00
Single adult households without children 1,116.67 1,229.42
Weekly equivalent (Greater London) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Couples (with or without children) or single claimants with a child of qualifying age 442.31 486.98
Single adult households without children 296.35 326.29
Weekly equivalent (Rest of Great Britain) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Couples (with or without children) or single claimants with a child of qualifying age 384.62 423.46
Single adult households without children 257.69 283.71

Bereavement Benefit

For deaths between 9 April 2001 and 5 April 2017

Bereavement Benefit Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Widowed Parent’s Allowance 126.35 139.10

Bereavement Support Payment

For deaths occurring on or after 6 April 2017

Bereavement Support Payment Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Standard rate (lump sum) 2,500.00 2,500.00
Standard rate monthly payments 100.00 100.00
Higher rate (lump sum) 3,500.00 3,500.00
Higher rate monthly payments 350.00 350.00

Capital limits

Rules common to Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance and Housing Benefit unless otherwise stated.

Capital limits Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Upper limit 16,000.00 16,000.00
Amount disregarded 6,000.00 6,000.00
Child disregard - (not Employment and Support Allowance or Housing Benefit) 3,000.00 3,000.00
Amount disregarded (living in RC/NH) 10,000.00 10,000.00

Rules common to Pension Credit and Housing Benefit

Capital limits Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Upper limit - Pension Credit and those getting Housing Benefit and Pension Credit Guarantee Credit No limit No limit
Amount disregarded - Pension Credit and Housing Benefit for those above the qualifying age for Pension Credit 10,000.00 10,000.00
Amount disregarded (living in RC/NH) 10,000.00 10,000.00

Tariff Income

£1 for every £250, or part thereof, between the amount of capital disregarded and the capital upper limit

Tariff income - Pension Credit and Housing Benefit where claimant / partner is over State Pension age

£1 for every £500, or part thereof, above or between the amount of capital disregarded and any capital upper limit applicable.

Carer’s Allowance

Carer’s Allowance Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Carer’s Allowance 69.70 76.75


Rules common to Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Pension Credit and Housing Benefit unless stated otherwise.

Non-dependant deductions from housing benefit and from IS, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) and Pension Credit

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Aged 25 and over in receipt of IS and JSA(IB), or any age in receipt of main phase ESA(IR), aged 18 or over, not in remunerative work 16.45 18.10
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Gross income: less than £162 16.45 18.10
Gross income: £162 to £235.99 37.80 41.60
Gross income: £236 to £307.99 51.85 57.10
Gross income: £308 to £409.99 84.85 93.40
Gross income: £410 to £510.99 96.60 106.35
Gross income: £511 and above 106.05 116.75

Deductions from housing benefit

Service charges for fuel

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Heating 35.25 35.25
Hot water 4.10 4.10
Lighting 2.85 2.85
Cooking 4.10 4.10

Amount ineligible for meals

3 or more meals a day Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single claimant 30.10 33.15
Each person in family aged 16 or over 30.10 33.15
Each child under 16 15.25 16.80
less than three meals a day Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single claimant 20.05 22.10
Each person in family aged 16 or over 20.05 22.10
Each child under 16 10.05 11.05
Breakfast only - claimant and each member of the family 3.70 4.05

Amount for personal expenses (not HB)

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Amount for personal expenses (not HB) 27.00 29.75

Third party deductions from IS, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) and Pension Credit

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Arrears of housing, fuel and water costs Council Tax etc. and deductions for ELDS and ILS 3.85 4.25

Child Maintenance Deduction

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Standard deduction 8.40 8.40

Arrears of Community Charge

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Court order against claimant 3.85 4.25
Court order against couple 6.10 6.70

Fine or compensation order

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Standard rate 5.00 5.00
lower rate 3.85 4.25

Recovery of overpayments (not contribution-based JSA or contribution-based ESA)

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Maximum deduction rates for recovery of overpayments (not JSA(C)/ESA(C)) ordinary overpayments 11.55 12.75

Fraud Overpayments

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Housing Benefit / CTB only 19.25 21.25
Benefits (not HB or Council Tax) 30.80 34.00

Deductions from contribution-based JSA and contribution-based ESA

Arrears of Comm. Charge and overpayment recovery

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Age 16 - 24 20.35 22.40
Age 25 + 25.66 28.26

Arrears of Council Tax and Fines

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Age 16 - 24 24.42 26.88
Age 25 + 30.80 33.92

Maximum deduction for arrears of Child Maintenance

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Age 16 - 24 20.35 22.40
Age 25 + 25.66 28.26

Sanction reduction rate for New Style ESA and JSA

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
under 25 8.60 9.50
25 and over 10.90 12.00

Sanction reduction rate for income related ESA and JSA

Personal Allowance will be reduced in full when customer is subject to a sanction.

Dependency Increases

Adult dependency increases for spouse or person looking after children.

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
long term Incapacity Benefit 68.70 75.65
Unemployability Supplement 69.70 76.75
Severe Disablement Allowance 41.20 45.35
Short-term Incapacity Benefit (over state pension age) 66.10 72.80
Short-term Incapacity Benefit (under State Pension age) 53.50 58.90

Child Dependency Increases

Dependency increases Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Payable with:
State Pension
Widowed Mothers/Parents Allowance
short-term Incapacity benefit - higher rate or over state pension age
long-term Incapacity Benefit
Carer’s Allowance
Severe Disablement
Unemployability Supplement
11.35 11.35
The rate of child dependency increase is adjusted where it is payable for the eldest child for whom child benefit is also paid. The weekly rate in such cases is reduced by the difference (less £3.65) between the ChB rates for the eldest and subsequent children 8.00 8.00

Disability Living Allowance

Disability Living Allowance care component Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Highest 92.40 101.75
Middle 61.85 68.10
Lowest 24.45 26.90
Disability Living Allowance mobility component Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher 64.50 71.00
Lower 24.45 26.90


Housing Benefit earnings disregards Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Standard (single claimant) 5.00 5.00
Couple 10.00 10.00
Higher (special occupations/circ*mstances) 20.00 20.00
Lone parent 25.00 25.00
Childcare charges 175.00 175.00
Childcare charges (2 or more children) 300.00 300.00
Permitted work higher 152.00 167.00
Permitted work lower 20.00 20.00
Other Income disregards Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Adult maintenance disregard 15.00 15.00
War disablement pension and war widows pension 10.00 10.00
Widowed mothers/parents allowance 15.00 15.00
Armed Forces Compensation Scheme 10.00 10.00
Student loan 10.00 10.00
Student’s covenanted income 5.00 5.00
Income from boarders (plus 50% of the balance) 20.00 20.00
Additional earnings disregard 17.10 17.10
income from subtenants (£20 fixed from April 08) 20.00 20.00

Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA(IR)) and Pension Credit

Earnings disregards Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Standard (single claimant) (not ESA(IR)) 5.00 5.00
Couple (not ESA(IR)) 10.00 10.00
Higher (special occupations/circ*mstances) 20.00 20.00
Partner of claimant (ESA(IR)) 20.00 (maximum) 20.00 (maximum)
Other Income disregards Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
War disablement pension and war widows pension 10.00 10.00
Widowed mothers/parents allowance 10.00 10.00
Armed Forces Compensation Scheme 10.00 10.00
Student loan (not Pension Credit) 10.00 10.00
Student’s covenanted income (not Pension Credit) 5.00 5.00
Income from boarders (plus 50% of the balance) 20.00 20.00
Income from subtenants (£20 fixed from April 08) 20.00 20.00

Earnings rules

Earnings rules Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Carer’s Allowance 132.00 139.00
Limit of earnings from councillor’s allowance 152.00 167.00
Permitted work earnings limit - higher 152.00 167.00
Permitted work earnings limit- lower 20.00 20.00
Industrial Injuries unemployability supplement permitted earnings level (annual amount) 7,904.00 8,684.00

Earnings level at which adult dependency increases (ADI) are affected

Short-term incapacity benefit

Earnings rules Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Claimant is under state pension age 53.50 58.90
Claimant is over state pension age 66.10 72.80

Long term incapacity benefit severe disablement allowance, unemployability supplement

Earnings rules Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Dependant is living with claimant 77.00 84.80
Dependant still qualifies for the tapered earnings rule 45.09 45.09

Dependant is not living with claimant

Earnings rules Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Long-term incapacity benefit 68.70 75.65
Unemployability supplement 69.70 76.75
Severe disablement allowance 41.20 45.35

Earnings level at which child dependency increases are affected

Earnings rules Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
For first child 255.00 280.00
Additional amount for each subsequent child 34.00 37.00

Pension income threshold

Earnings rules Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Pension income threshold for incapacity benefit 85.00 85.00
Pension income threshold for contributory employment and support allowance 85.00 85.00

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Personal Allowances


Personal Allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Under 25 61.05 67.20
25 or over 77.00 84.80

Lone parent

Personal Allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Under 18 61.05 67.20
18 or over 77.00 84.80


Personal Allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Both under 18 61.05 67.20
Both under 18 with child 92.20 101.50
Both under 18 (main phase) 77.00 84.80
Both under 18 with child (main phase) 121.05 133.30
One 18 or over, one under 18 (certain conditions apply) 121.05 133.30
Both over 18 121.05 133.30
Claimant under 25, partner under 18 61.05 67.20
Claimant 25 or over, partner under 18 77.00 84.80
Claimant (main phase), partner under 18 77.00 84.80


Enhanced disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 17.75 19.55
Couple 25.35 27.90

Severe disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 69.40 76.40
Couple (lower rate) 69.40 76.40
Couple (higher rate) 138.80 152.80

Carer premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Carer 38.85 42.75

Pensioner premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single with work-related activity component 75.00 82.55
Single with support component 65.00 71.55
Single with no component 105.60 116.25
Couple with work-related activity component 127.05 139.85
Couple with support component 117.05 128.85
Couple with no component 157.65 173.55


Components Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Work-related Activity 30.60 33.70
Support 40.60 44.70

Housing Benefit

Personal allowances


Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Under 25 61.05 67.20
25 or over 77.00 84.80
Entitled to main phase ESA 77.00 84.80

Lone parent

Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Under 18 61.05 67.20
18 or over 77.00 84.80
Entitled to main phase ESA 77.00 84.80


Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Both under 18 92.20 101.50
One or both 18 or over 121.05 133.30
Claimant entitled to main phase ESA 121.05 133.30

Dependent children

Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Dependent children 70.80 77.78


Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single / lone parent - state pension age or over 197.10 217.00
Couple / state pension age or over 294.90 324.70
Single / lone parent - reached state pension age on or after 1 April 2021 182.60 201.05
Couple / both reached state pension age on or after 1 April 2021 278.70 306.85
Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
For the claimant and the other party to the marriage where one or more members of the marriage are state pension age or over 294.90 324.70
For each additional spouse who is a member of the same household as the claimant and one or more of the members are state pension age or over 97.80 107.70

If the claimant is a member of a polygamous marriage and all of the members of the marriage have attained pensionable age on or after 1 April 2021

Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
For the claimant and the other party to the marriage 278.70 306.85
For each additional spouse who is a member of the same household as the claimant 96.10 105.80


Family premiums

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Family 17.85 18.53
Family (lone parent rate) 22.20 22.20

Disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 36.20 39.85
Couple 51.60 56.80

Enhanced disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 17.75 19.55
Disabled child 27.44 30.17
Couple 25.35 27.90

Severe disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 69.40 76.40
Couple (lower rate) 69.40 76.40
Couple (higher rate) 138.80 152.80

Disabled child premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Disabled child 68.04 74.69

Carer premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Carer 38.85 42.75

ESA components

Components Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Work-related activity 30.60 33.70
Support 40.60 44.70

Incapacity Benefit

Incapacity Benefit Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Long-term Incapacity Benefit 118.25 130.20
Short-term Incapacity Benefit (under state pension age) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Lower rate 89.25 98.25
Higher rate 105.55 116.20
Short-term Incapacity Benefit (over state pension age) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Lower rate 113.45 124.90
Higher rate 118.25 130.20
Increase of Long-term Incapacity Benefit for age Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher rate 12.55 13.80
Lower rate 6.95 7.65
Invalidity Allowance (Transitional) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher rate 12.55 13.80
Middle rate 6.95 7.65
Lower rate 6.95 7.65

Income Support

Personal Allowances


Personal Allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Under 25 61.05 67.20
25 or over 77.00 84.80

Lone parent

Personal Allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
under 18 61.05 67.20
18 or over 77.00 84.80


Personal Allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Both under 18 61.05 67.20
Both under 18 - higher rate 92.20 101.50
One under 18, one under 25 61.05 67.20
One under 18, one 25 and over 77.00 84.80
Both 18 or over 121.05 133.30

Dependent children

Personal Allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Dependent children 70.80 77.78


Family and lone parent premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Family and lone parent 17.85 18.53

Pensioner (applies to couples only)

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Pensioner (applies to couples only) 157.65 173.55

Disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 36.20 39.85
Couple 51.60 56.80

Enhanced disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 17.75 19.55
Disabled child 27.44 30.17
Couple 25.35 27.90

Severe disability

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 69.40 76.40
Couple (lower rate) 69.40 76.40
Couple (higher rate) 138.80 152.80

Disabled child premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Disabled child 68.04 74.69

Carer premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Carer 38.85 42.75

Relevant sum for strikers

Relevant sum for strikers Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Relevant sum for strikers 42.50 47.00

Industrial Death Benefit

Widow’s pension Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher rate 141.85 156.20
Lower rate 42.56 46.86
Widower’s pension 141.85 156.20

Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

Standard rate (assessed level of disablement) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
1.00 188.60 207.60
0.90 169.74 186.84
0.80 150.88 166.08
0.70 132.02 145.32
0.60 113.16 124.56
0.50 94.30 103.80
0.40 75.44 83.04
0.30 56.58 62.28
0.20 37.72 41.52
Maximum life gratuity (lump sum) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Maximum life gratuity (lump sum) 12,520.00 13,780.00
Unemployability Supplement Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Unemployability Supplement 116.60 128.40
Increase for early incapacity Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
higher rate 24.15 26.60
Middle rate 15.50 17.10
Lower rate 7.75 8.55
Maximum reduced earnings allowance Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Maximum reduced earnings allowance 75.44 83.04
Maximum retirement allowance Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Maximum retirement allowance 18.86 20.76

Constant attendance allowance

Constant attendance allowance Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Exceptional rate 151.00 166.20
Intermediate rate 113.25 124.65
Normal maximum rate 75.50 83.10
Part-time rate 37.75 41.55
Exceptionally severe disablement allowance Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Exceptionally severe disablement allowance 75.50 83.10

Jobseeker’s Allowance

Contribution based JSA

Personal rates Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Under 25 61.05 67.20
25 or over 77.00 84.80

Income-based JSA personal allowances

Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Under 25 61.05 67.20
25 or over 77.00 84.80

Lone parent

Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Under 18 61.05 67.20
18 or over 77.00 84.80


Personal allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Both under 18 61.05 67.20
Both under 18 - higher rate 92.20 101.50
One under 18, one under 25 61.05 67.20
One under 18, one 25 and over 77.00 84.80
Both 18 or over 121.05 133.30

Dependent children

Personal allowance Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Dependent children 70.80 77.78

Income-based JSA premiums

Family and lone parent premium

Premium Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Family / lone parent 17.85 18.53

Pensioner premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 105.60 116.25
Couple 157.65 173.55

Disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 36.20 39.85
Couple 51.60 56.80

Enhanced disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 17.75 19.55
Disabled child 27.44 30.17
Couple 25.35 27.90

Severe disability premium

Premiums Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 69.40 76.40
Couple (lower rate) 69.40 76.40
Couple (higher rate) 138.80 152.80

Disabled child premium

Premium Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Disabled child 68.04 74.69

Carer premium

Premium Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Carer 38.85 42.75

Prescribed sum for strikers

Prescribed sum for strikers Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Prescribed sum for strikers 42.50 47.00

Maternity Allowance

Maternity Allowance Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Standard rate 156.66 172.48
Maternity Allowance threshold 30.00 30.00

Pension Credit

Standard minimum guarantee Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 182.60 201.05
Couple 278.70 306.85
Additional amount for severe disability Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single 69.40 76.40
Couple (one qualifies) 69.40 76.40
Couple (both qualify) 138.80 152.80
Additional amount for carers Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Additional amount for carers 38.85 42.75
Savings credit Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Threshold - single 158.47 174.49
Threshold - couple 251.70 277.12
Maximum - single 14.48 15.94
Maximum - couple 16.20 17.84
Children Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
First child born before 6 April 2017 66.85 72.31
Subsequent children 56.35 61.88
Disabled child Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Lower rate 30.58 33.67
Higher rate 95.48 104.86
Polygamous marriage Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Amount for claimant and first spouse in polygamous marriage 278.70 306.85
Additional amount for additional spouse 96.10 105.80
Non-State Pensions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Non-State Pensions (for Pension Credit purposes) Statutory minimum increase to non-state pensions 3.10% 10.10%

Personal Independence Payment

Daily living component Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Enhanced 92.40 101.75
Standard 61.85 68.10
Mobility component Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Enhanced 64.50 71.00
Standard 24.45 26.90

Severe Disablement Allowance

Basic rate Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Basic rate 83.75 92.20
Age-related addition (from Dec 90) Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher rate 12.55 13.80
Middle rate 6.95 7.65
Lower rate 6.95 7.65

State Pension

New State Pension

New State Pension Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Full rate 185.15 203.85
Transitional rate below full rate 3.0902% 10.0999%
Protected Payment 3.10% 10.10%
Increments - own (based on deferred new State Pension) 3.10% 10.10%
Increments - inherited (based on deferred old State Pension) 3.10% 10.10%

Old State Pension

Category Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Category A or B basic pension 141.85 156.20
Category B (lower) basic pension - spouse or civil partner’s insurance 85.00 93.60
Category C or D - non-contributory 85.00 93.60
Additional pension Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Additional pension 3.10% 10.10%
Maximum additional pension (own + inherited) 185.90 204.68
Increments Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Basic pension 3.10% 10.10%
Additional pension 3.10% 10.10%
Graduated Retirement Benefit (GRB) 3.10% 10.10%
Inheritable lump sum 3.10% 10.10%
Contracted-out Deduction Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Contracted-out Deduction from AP in respect of pre-April 1988 contracted-out earnings Nil Nil
Contracted-out Deduction from AP in respect of contracted-out earnings from April 1988 to 1997 3.00% 3.00%
Graduated Retirement Benefit Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Graduated Retirement Benefit (unit) 0.1492 0.1643
Increase of long term incapacity for age Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Increase of long term incapacity for age 3.10% 10.10%
Age 80 addition Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Addition at age 80 0.25 0.25
Increase of Long-term incapacity for age Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher rate 24.15 26.60
Lower rate 12.10 13.30
Invalidity Allowance (Transitional) for State Pension recipients Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher rate 24.15 26.60
Middle rate 15.50 17.10
Lower rate 7.75 8.55

Statutory Adoption Pay

Statutory Adoption Pay Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Earnings threshold 123.00 123.00
Standard Rate 156.66 172.48

Statutory Maternity Pay

Statutory Maternity Pay Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Earnings threshold 123.00 123.00
Standard rate 156.66 172.48

Statutory Paternity Pay

Statutory Paternity Pay Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Earnings threshold 123.00 123.00
Standard Rate 156.66 172.48
Statutory Shared Paternity Pay Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Earnings threshold 123.00 123.00
Standard rate 156.66 172.48

Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay

Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Earnings threshold 123.00 123.00
Standard rate 156.66 172.48

Statutory Sick Pay

Statutory Sick Pay Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Earnings threshold 123.00 123.00
Standard rate 99.35 109.40

Universal Credit

Monthly rates

Minimum amount

Universal Credit Minimum Amount Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Universal Credit Minimum Amount 0.01 0.01

Standard allowance


Universal Credit Amounts Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 265.31 292.11
Single 25 or over 334.91 368.74


Universal Credit Amounts Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 416.45 458.51
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over 525.72 578.82

Child amounts

Universal Credit Amounts Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
First child (born prior to 6 April 2017) 290.00 315.00
First child (born on or after 6 April 2017)/ second child and subsequent child (where an exception or transitional provision applies) 244.58 269.58

Disabled child additions

Universal Credit Amounts Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Lower rate addition 132.89 146.31
Higher rate addition 414.88 456.89

Limited Capability for Work

Universal Credit Amounts Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Limited Capability for Work amount 132.89 146.31
Limited Capability for Work and Work-Related Activity amount 354.28 390.06

Carer amount

Universal Credit Amounts Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Carer amount 168.81 185.86

Childcare costs amount

Universal Credit Amounts Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Maximum for one child 646.35 950.92
Maximum for two or more children 1108.04 1630.15


Non-dependants’ housing cost contributions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Non-dependants’ housing cost contributions 77.87 85.73

Work allowances

Work allowances Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Higher work allowance (no housing amount) one or more dependent children or limited capability for work 573.00 631.00
Lower work allowance one or more dependent children or limited capability for work 344.00 379.00

Universal Credit daily reduction

100% reduction rate

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 8.70 9.60
Single 25 or over 11.00 12.10
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 (per sanctioned claimant) 6.80 7.50
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over and one is sanctioned (per sanctioned claimant) 8.60 9.50

40% reduction rate

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 3.40 3.80
Single 25 or over 4.40 4.80
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 (per sanctioned claimant) 2.70 3.00
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over (per sanctioned claimant) 3.40 3.80

Third Party Deductions

For payments of arrears, 5% of UC Standard Allowance (excludes deductions for rent and service charges included in rent)

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 13.27 14.61
Single 25 or over 16.75 18.44
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 20.82 22.93
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over 26.29 28.94

Deductions for rent and service charges

Minimum deductions for arrears of rent and service charges included in rent at 10% of UC Standard Allowance (10% minimum introduced from Nov 2014).

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 26.53 29.21
Single 25 or over 33.49 36.87
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 41.65 45.85
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over 52.57 57.88

Maximum deductions for arrears of rent and service charges included in rent at 20% of UC Standard Allowance (20% maximum introduced from Nov 2014).

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 53.06 58.42
Single 25 or over 66.98 73.75
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 83.29 91.70
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over 105.14 115.76

Overall Maximum deduction Rate at 25% of UC Standard Allowance

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 66.33 73.03
Single 25 or over 83.73 92.19
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 104.11 114.63
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over 131.43 144.71

Fraud Overpayments, Recoverable Hardship Payments and Administrative Penalties

Penalties at 25% of UC Standard Allowance

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 66.33 73.03
Single 25 or over 83.73 92.19
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 104.11 114.63
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over 131.43 144.71

Ordinary overpayments

Ordinary overpayments and Civil Penalties at 15% of UC Standard Allowance.

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 39.80 43.82
Single 25 or over 50.24 55.31
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 62.47 68.78
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over 78.86 86.82

Ordinary Overpayments and Civil Penalties at 25% of UC Standard Allowance if claimant’s and/or partner’s earnings are over the Work Allowance.

Single Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Single under 25 66.33 73.03
Single 25 or over 83.73 92.19
Couple Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Joint claimants both under 25 104.11 114.63
Joint claimants, one or both 25 or over 131.43 144.71

Child Maintenance Deduction

Deductions Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Standard deduction 36.40 36.40

Capital limit - Universal Credit

Capital limit Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Upper limit 16,000.00 16,000.00
Amount disregarded 6,000.00 6,000.00
Assumed income from capital for every £250 or part thereof, between capital disregard and upper capital limit 4.35 4.35

Widow’s Benefit

Widowed mother’s allowance

Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
126.35 139.10

Widow’s pension

Standard rate Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
Standard rate 126.35 139.10
Age-related rates Rates 2022/23 (£) Rates 2023/24 (£)
54 117.51 129.36
53 108.66 119.63
52 99.82 109.89
51 90.97 100.15
50 82.13 90.42
49 73.28 80.68
48 64.44 70.94
47 55.59 61.20
46 46.75 51.47
45 37.91 41.73
Benefit and pension rates 2023 to 2024 (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.