Third time moms - what are you buying??? - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Third time moms - what are you buying??? - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

April 2024 Babies

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I feel like I shouldn’t have to buy much but know I need to buy things but haven’t started????!

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I’m having my third girl and I bought another Nanit camera, a rocker and a boppy, plus a few matching outfits for her and her older sisters. We didn’t need a rocker before, but with my second daughter being a little more wild, I think a designated place for the baby is a good idea - the boppy is to help the girls hold their baby sister. Otherwise I think all I got were postpartum things like Depends underwear, nipple cream and some new baby wash and lotions and saline and stuff like that.

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I bought an “announcement outfit” for the hospital for baby. We have 2 girls already and this one is going to be a surprise. I have a white zippy with a hat or bow option and then a girl blanket or boy blanket depending. Otherwise, not buying anything??? Until afterward. if it's a girl we are set! if its a boy, we need clothes!

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we’re in the exact same situation! We’re team green for our third with two girls already. If it’s a girl, we’re set. If it’s a boy we’ll be doing some target same day pick up lol. I’m bringing the same going home outfit I took both girls home in and I’ll buy a boy one and that’s it!

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I haven’t bought much either. Diapers, wipes, some newborn onesies/sleepers since I had gotten rid of a lot, pump supplies and bottles, etc.

I still need to get a baby monitor addition to my Infant Optics, an infant car seat (got the convertible already), a coming home outfit, etc.

I’ve been handed down a few things I need like an additional bottle rack, white noise machine and swaddles.

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Pacifiers, upgraded wheels for stroller, toiletries, a few new sleepers for fun

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I’ve bought a pack of diapers and a sound machine. We like the hatch ones because they have the added nightlight feature and my 3.5 year old isn’t ready to give his up yet so we got a new one for this baby.

On my list is a changing pad for the table in our room, a new diaper pale of some sort (we threw out our genie after our second was born), probably a new outfit or two. I would love to order a name plate or some kind of announcement piece but I’m not completely sold on a name yet �� he will probably be officially named once I see him.

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3rd time mom and buying everything because I’m starting all over. There will be an 11 year age gap between my second and third so I had nothing saved except books and memento items from #1 & 2 (few outfits and blankets). They’re boys and this is a girl so everything is being bought again. No baby shower either.

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Same. I have 2 girls and a boy on the way.

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Got a new infant seat (old one worn out after 2 kids)

Boppy (tried my breast friend other times and want to change)

New swing (old one too big for new LR)

New bottles and pacis

Neutral nb/0-3 outfits (team green)



Portable/wearable breast pump

A few special blankets for baby

Personalized paci clip when they are born

A couple gender specific outfits after born

new Velcro swaddles (old ones getting faded and used

And might get a new diaper bag as old ones getting pretty beat up

And the big one was we got a minivan!! ����

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Haven’t bought anything yet but planning to get another sound machine, camera for my monitor, and then small necessities like a new butt spatula and diaper cream, new rectal thermometer, automated nasal aspirator. Not much else

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We’re having our third boy so pretty much have everything clothing wise at this point.

We have to buy a second crib/crib mattress (my second is still using his),

A second pack n play (we have one already but I want a second one so I can have one set up in our bedroom and one for the living room to make things easier while I recover. Plus our second still uses one when we travel),

Hospital going home outfit, new bottles/nipples (hoping to bf but want this one to take a bottle occasionally!), a couple new crib sheets and then postpartum/BF items like nipple cream, pads etc. that’s really it.

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New bottles, pacifiers, crib sheets, mattress, bottle warmer, diapers/wipes. We’ve kept all our bigger items so really just a few things we tossed 3 years ago.

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When should a baby be head down? ›

By about 32 weeks, the baby is usually lying with their head pointing downwards, ready for birth. This is known as cephalic presentation. If your baby is not lying head down at this stage, it's not a cause for concern – there's still time for them to turn.

Can a baby's head be engaged at 32 weeks? ›

Every pregnancy is different, and engagement doesn't follow a specific schedule. In first pregnancies, however, it usually happens several weeks before birth — anywhere between 34 weeks and 38 weeks gestation. In subsequent pregnancies, your baby's head may not engage until your labor starts.

What to avoid when baby is head down? ›

Was your baby breech and now head down? Avoid the Forward-leaning Inversion and other inversions (Open Knee-chest) for three days while you do the other body balancing and daily activities.

Which gender kicks more on the right side? ›

Or that if you feel your baby moving more on the right side, then you're probably having a boy. But there's no evidence that there's a difference between the movements of boys and girls in the womb (Medina et al 2003).

How long until labor after baby drops in 3rd pregnancy? ›

If you have never delivered a baby, dropping usually occurs 2 to 4 weeks before delivery, but it can happen earlier. If you have delivered a baby in the past, the fetus may not drop until labor begins. The shape of your belly may change after dropping. It may be easier to breathe, and you may have less heartburn.

Can you feel baby's head with fingers? ›

Figure 11.5 Press firmly with your fingers just above the pubic bone to see if you can feel the baby's head. 3 If the shape is not clearly round, it may be the baby's face or the baby's bottom that you can feel. Or sometimes the baby's bottom is up, but the head is not straight down (Figure 11.6a and b).

How long does it take to go into labor after baby is head down? ›

There's no one answer to this question. After your baby drops, labor can start after a few hours up to a few weeks later. For example, if your baby dropped at 34 weeks, it doesn't necessarily mean that labor is near—it could be 3 or 4 weeks away, or just a few hours away.

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External cephalic version (ECV)

Your provider uses their hands to manually turn the baby head down. If you've reached 36 weeks and your baby still isn't head down, your doctor may suggest an ECV.

Can a baby drop at 32 weeks? ›

Babies generally drop in the later stages of the third trimester. There's no specific week when this has to happen—it can occur anywhere from a few weeks to a few hours before labor begins.

Can a baby turn his head down after 36 weeks? ›

Most babies that are breech will turn themselves by about 36 to 37 weeks, so that they are head-down, ready for birth. This is the best position for a baby to be in near the end of pregnancy. Sometimes, though, babies do not turn head-down. Around 3 to 4 babies in every 100 remain breech.

Is it safe to deliver at 33 weeks? ›

Any preemie that's born earlier than 34 weeks gestation should spend several weeks in the NICU. On average, doctors recommend preemies stay in the NICU until three to four weeks before what their regular due date would have been.


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