Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (2024)

“I’m writing a post on tips for surviving life with newborn twins” I announced to my husband during dinner in between frantically dicing up food for our 13-month-old twin girls, who inhale food at an impossibly fast speed.

“Really. Are you sure we survived??” he asked as he picked up a sippy cup that was tossed gleefully on the floor for the 87th time by one of our identical twins.

Ha.I admit there were times during the first year of having twins that I collapsed on the floor in utter defeat because the task given to me seemed impossibly hard.

Sometimes I see pictures from our year with newborn twin babies and I literally don’t remember the occasion.

I’m like “What am I wearing, where are we, and whose hands are those holding the babies??”

Sleep deprivation can do a serious number on you… and the scary thing is that my babies have good sleep habits and are on a great sleep schedule.

Read –> how we got our twins to sleep through the night

During my twin pregnancy, I frequently searched Pinterest for tips for new parents on life with newborn twins.

Surely, someone who has been there and done that will have some good advice!

To my chagrin, most of the articles I read had universal advice for parents of twins such as be patient with yourself and accept offers of help.

Now, I’m not saying that advice like thatisn’t good advice. It is absolutely true and has it has value. Yes, being patient with yourself is always a good idea. And a solid support system is amazing, but not everybody has that!

If you’ve read much of my blog you know that I need things to be tangible and actionable. So I’ve outlined some tips for you on how to survive life with newborn twins, and I’ve made them as actionable as possible.

Whether you’ve just found out that you’re expecting twins, you’re approaching your due date, or you’re ready to bring your newborn twins home from the hospital, I’ve got some great advice for you!

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (1)

*Post contains affiliate links.

1. Newborn Twins Schedule


If one baby wakes up, wake up the other one.

Honestly, the post could end here. This is probably the most important piece of advice I can give to new mothers of twins. Other than to also get your groceries delivered. But, moving on…

Here’s what happens if you don’t follow this tip: One baby wakes up to eat at 1 am. You feed baby and put them back to sleep. The other baby wakes up at 2:30. You get them back to sleep at 3:30, but then the first baby is awake again. You get zero….ZERO hours of sleep.

It’s also more difficult to multitask. Feeding two babies at the same time is doable. Feeding one baby while simultaneously putting the other baby down for a nap isn’t quite possible.

I wrote an entire post on how I got my twin babies on a schedule. Go read it for more tips.

We started our twins on a schedule as soon as they came home from the NICU at just about 3 weeks old.

I shared this post in a few Facebook groups for mothers of twins, and the overwhelming majority agreed with me that a schedule and routine is the #1 way to survive life with newborn twins.

There were, of course, a few twin moms who said that schedules didn’t work for them. If you’re one of those moms, all the power to you!

But for us? It saved our sanity and it is the first step in establishing good baby sleep habits!

There is no BEST WAY to raise twins and when I’m sharing what worked for us, I’m simply sharing it because it worked for us and so it might help another twin mom out. I’m not trying to say that my way is the best way. I believe that however you choose to mother is the absolute best way for your family.

So. Take some deep breaths and know that you are doing a great job and meeting your babies’ needs in a way that nobody else can.


5 Tips to Establish a Schedule for Newborn Twins

What to do When Both Twins Are Crying

2. Newborn Twin Babies Sleep

I know that sleep training is a controversial subject but BEFORE YOU WRITE OFF THIS POST, LISTEN TO JUST ON THING THAT I HAVE TO SAY: sleep training does NOT have to be leaving your baby to cry alone in their crib for hours.

In fact, I’ve sleep trained all four of my babies, and I have never once done that. Sleep training is simply helping your baby learn healthy sleep habits. Babies NEED sleep. Parents need sleep. The whole family needs sleep!

I had two premature babies and I learned that sleep is VITAL for their growth and development.

So now that we’ve established that sleep training doesn’t have to include crying, where does that leave us?

Check out this post for different ways to sleep train. I’ve outlined ways from gentle, no cry methods, to the cry it out method (which by the way, if done correctly, is not hours upon hours of babies crying alone).

I’d suggest reading up on that post and figuring out your comfort level for sleep training and at least knowing your options.

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (3)

Here’s where we started with our twins and sleep during the first weeks:

  • Bedtime starts at the same time every night (within the same 30 minutes).
  • Morning starts at the same time every morning (within the same 30 minutes. and yes, I know what you’re thinking, you actually wake your babies up in the morning. But, if you want your babies to know the difference between night and day… you have to establish when daytime is).
  • Your infant twins’ sleep routine should be taking a 2ish hour nap, every 3 hours.
  • White noise machine, a dark, cozy room, and a nice swaddle for naps and night times.
  • Give baby some cuddles and love and then put them down in their bed, drowsy, yet still awake.
  • Make sure to put them to bed well before they are overtired. I have more information in other blog posts on how to determine how long they should be awake, but a newborn should only be awake for 45-60 minutes. A premature baby will only be awake long enough to eat and then go right back to sleep (more on a preemie’s sleep needs in this post).

Read this post for more in-depth details on how we got our twins to sleep through the night: The Ultimate Guide to Sleep Training Twins

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (4)

3. Find Parenting Shortcuts for Infant Twins

It feels wrong to look for ‘shortcuts’ in parenting, but you get to break all the parenting rules the second you see two heartbeats on the ultrasound. Bringing home not one, but TWO new babies gives you permission to take shortcuts, especially in the early months.

Taking care of twins is a lot of work. Here are some shortcuts that I took:

*Rinse (DON’T WASH!!) bottles and pump parts: put them in the refrigerator and reuse them throughout the day. Wash them or throw them in the dishwasher at the end of the day (this is the bottle rackthat we used). If my twins were sick, I did wash their bottles after each use, and I did wash and sanitize them often when they were preemies.

*Prop the bottles: We used the Twin Z Pillow, put the babies on their sides and propped their bottles with burp clothes. If you don’t have the twin z pillow, and your babies are bottle-fed, you can use two boppies or place the babies in bouncers. Some moms are very judgy about propping bottles, but when you have twins, it’s all about survival.

Obviously, never walk away when they are having their bottles!! I used this time to pump, or pick them up and burp them one at a time. It’s just really hard to hold two babies at the same time to give them their bottles.

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (5)

You can read more about how to bottle prop <— here.

*Hands-free pumping bra: I frequently used a hands-free pumping bra (I lovethis one because it is adjustable from XS-L) and pumped while the babies were eating, propped on their Twin Z Pillow, of course. If you’re an exclusively pumping twin mama (I was!) you’re going to be spending a lot of time with your breast pump. It’s much easier if you can free up your hands.

*Prepare for feedings in advance: For us, this included preparing lunch for our two-year-old the night before and also, since we were bottle feeding pumped breast milk, getting bottles ready early.

I know moms who made pitchers of formula in the morning (apparently a blender eliminates the chunks). Other families premade the actual bottles.

*If you are breastfeeding,

Figure out what works best for you.

For more tips on feeding:

Tips and Advice for Feeding Twins

Time Saving Hacks for Bottle-Feeding Twins

*Weekly baths: Yes, my children got baths weekly. No judging! Every mom of twins knows that bath time can be fun and cute. However, at the end of the day, I’m exhausted, and the thought of bathing my twins AND my toddler is just too much. Now they get baths twice a week (on a good week).

*Put everything in the same room, or at least the same floor: I’d bring the kids downstairs to the playroom in the morning with changes of clothes, diapers, etc. It might have been a bit messy, but I didn’t care. We had portable cribs set up downstairs as well. Our twins slept in them for naps during the first few weeks, but this only worked because they were preemies and slept through anything.

*At night we would bring our bottle warmer and a cooler full of milk up to our bedroom so we didn’t have to go downstairs for the middle of the night feedings.

*If it’s not dirty, keep it on: Sometimes the babies wear the same outfit for a full 48 hours. If it has no visible stains, it stays on day and night. This saves time getting them dressed AND creates less laundry.

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (6)

4. Setting Your House Up For Success With Twin Newborns

I’m going to go into a bit more detail about my point above when I mentioned that I had everything I needed for the day in one room with me. You want to make sure that you set your house up for success for your twins coming home.

Twin Sleeping Arrangements: You want to make sure that you have two safe spaces for your babies to sleep. Either two cribs, portable cribs, or bassinets will work. It is your choice whether or not you want your twins to sleep in your room. We had our babies in their own room from the start, but their room was right now to our bedroom so it was easy to get up and feed them.

We also had them sleep downstairs during the day for the first few weeks, because it was just easier and they slept super soundly as preemies.

Feeding stations: Think about where you’re going to be feeding your babies. If you have a 2 story house and the bedrooms are upstairs, you will probably want to have a feeding station both upstairs and downstairs.

As I mentioned, we fed our babies downstairs during the day and upstairs at night. When we went to bed for the night, we simply transferred the bigger items from our feeding station upstairs.

  • A million burp clothes
  • Twin nursing pillow
  • Bottles
  • Bottle warmer (this is not crucial for newborn twins but is important if you have preemies because cold milk can be a shock to their system).
  • Breast pumps (if you’re bottle feeding and pumping at the same time)
  • Nipple cream
  • Cooler or refrigerator to keep milk cold upstairs

Diaper stations: We just had little baskets with our diapering essentials. They included diapers, wipes, diaper cream, and the little diaper cream spatula spreader thing.

5. Join a Parent of Multiples Tribe

Being a parent of multiples is something that you cannot possibly understand unless you are one yourself. I am a member of the Columbus Mother’s of Twins Club, as well as many facebook groups for twin parents.

Sometimes you just need to vent about the lady at the bank who told you that she knows what it’s like to have twins because she has two kids 18 months apart (um, what?), or the guy who asked if your 3-year-old singleton and 1-year-old twins are triplets (seriously, this happened to me last week).

The fact that you even say the word singleton means that you need to have other twin parents in your life.

Aside from venting and sharing silly stories, having other twin parents to talk to is extremely helpful.

Looking for a double stroller recommendation? Post in the twin club facebook group! Want to see if anyone has used one of those crazy twin baby wearers?

Ask the twin mommies! Want to know if it’s normal for your twins to ignore each other or steal each other’stoys?

Nobody can answer you better than a fellow parent of multiples. Find your tribe. They will encourage you and give you endless tips for newborn twins.

If you find a local twin mom club, you can even find items second hand, which I HIGHLY recommend. I purchased two twin breastfeeding pillows second hand that were barely used, as well as a double snap and go stroller. Many baby items are use for such a short period of time and you don’t know if you’re really going to need them, so it’s wise to get things that are gently used. The only item I would not recommend buying second-hand is car seats. Since you don’t know for sure if they’ve been in a car accident, it’s best to purchase those brand new.

How do you find your tribe, you ask? Well, try google to see if there is a twin club in your city. If that doesn’t work, search on facebook for groups for parents of multiples. If all else fails, send me an email, and I’ll add you to some groups!

Related –> Twin Mom Life Can Be Lonely

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (7)

6. Prioritize Household Duties

I hate hearing that I need to just let things go, even though it’s true.

How do you decide what to let go of? Make a list of everything that you want to get done that isn’t an absolute necessity.

Feeding the babes = necessity.

Dusting your baseboards = not a necessity.

Diaper changes = necessity.

Organizing your changing station with cute baskets = not a necessity.

My list came down to letting go of one of two things: keeping my house clean and preparing healthy meals for my family.

I hated the thought of letting my house go, BUT I hated the thought even more of feeding my family processed food and takeout for several months to a year.

Decide what bothers you the least to let go of, and remind yourself that it’s not forever. Your priorities might not be the same as mine. And I don’t mean that we had zero takeout, we obviously still had a decent bit of it, haha!

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (8)

You might decide that older children’s after-school activities take priority over home-cooked meals.

That’s fine! Just make your decision, and own it.

Once I decided that I was no longer going to dust and vacuum weekly, I felt a lot less stressed.

You can eventually get back to doing everything you want to do, but while you’re adjusting to newborn twins, it is wise to cut some things out.

Here’s my 10-minute cleaning schedule if you’re feeling really optimistic…

7. Pay Someone to Help

Now is not the time to put on your superhero cape and try to do it all.

I’m sure you CAN do it all, but at what cost?

If we had the extra funds, you better believe we would have hired a housekeeper, a chef, and a nanny.

Trouble breastfeeding your newborn twins? Get a lactation consultant out, ASAP.

Do your twins only settle in the one swing you have? For crying out loud, buy another one.

Do your little angels want you to hold them 24/7? Splurge and buy the TwinGo Baby Carrier so that you can wear them at the same time.

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (9)

Pay to have your groceries delivered, sign up for Amazon prime, hire a house cleaner, pay for some child care to help with your little baby twins, hire a night nurse, or anything else you may think is silly.

If you’re currently pregnant with twins, you might want to start tucking away a little bit into your savings account because having two new babies is going to be a financial strain that you weren’t expecting. It’s totally manageable and worth it (especially once you see the amazing best friend bond they develop!) but in the early days you will have a lot of extra expenses that you wouldn’t have with just one baby.

Raising twins has been one of the biggest joys of my life. Do you have twins? What are some ways that you survived life with newborn twins? Pregnant with twins? What are some of your biggest fears? Drop your thoughts and questions in the comments!

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (10)

Head over and follow me on Instagram for lots of twin cuteness!

other helpful posts

Expecting Twins? How to Surviving a Twin Pregnancy

Dear New Twin Mom… I See You

The Ultimate Guide to Your Twin Registry

Unique Twin Milestones During the First Year

How To Get Your Twins To Sleep Through the Night

“Your Hands Are Full” and Other Phrases Twin Moms Hear

Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (11)
Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (12)
Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (13)
Life With Newborn Twins: A Survival Guide (2024)


How to survive life with newborn twins? ›

Tips for Parenting Twins
  1. Ask for parenting help. ...
  2. Develop routines and schedules. ...
  3. Connect with other parents of twins. ...
  4. Research possibilities. ...
  5. Treat each twin as a unique individual. ...
  6. Plan individual quality time. ...
  7. Understand fairness vs. ...
  8. Consider possessions & twin identity.
Aug 15, 2021

What is life like with newborn twins? ›

You might be so busy taking care of two babies that you feel like you have no time to take care of yourself. This is, in part, the reality of life with twins. A lot of your time will be taken up looking after your two babies. But it's also of utmost importance that you care for your own needs.

What is the hardest week with a newborn? ›

Most people find the first six to eight weeks to be the hardest with a new born baby. And while people may not openly discuss many of the challenges in these early weeks of parenthood (if at all), there are a number of common hurdles you may face at this time.

How difficult are newborn twins? ›

Your first year of raising twins will be tough. Expect less sleep, as your world will revolve around feeding your twins, burping them, changing them and putting them to sleep, all while constantly washing two sets of everything from clothes to feeding bottles. Financial costs are also higher with twins.

What percentage of twins survive? ›

With contemporary management, survival rates for monoamniotic twins are around 90 percent. These twins are necessarily born at a premature gestational age, even in the absence of identified complications before birth.

Does it take longer to recover from twins? ›

Mothers of multiples may also take more time to recover from the birth. "There is also the issue of body image, there is more weight gain, more discomfort, and the body doesn't go back so quickly," said Meadvin.

What do twins struggle with? ›

Competition, jealousy, sharing, and expectations make twinship a hard relationship to navigate. Often, I use the analogy that a roller coaster ride is similar to how twins get along.

Are newborn twins aware of each other? ›

It is likely that twins' awareness of one another starts sooner than seven or eight months of age. An article by the late doctor, T. Berry Brazelton, observed that at age three to four months, an infant identical female twin seemed disoriented when her sister was removed from the room.

What is depleted mother syndrome? ›

Mom burnout sometimes called depleted mother syndrome, is the feeling of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of fulfillment caused by intense child care demands. Burnout is the result of too much stress and a lack of resources for coping with it.

What is the most difficult night with a newborn? ›

Night two can bring way more crying that the first 24 hours. The theory is that during the second to third day postpartum, your newborn is discovering they are no longer in the comforts of your womb. They are experiencing many new firsts – the feeling of hunger, cold air across their skin, lights and stimulation etc…

How long until a newborn isn't a newborn? ›

Your baby will be considered a newborn until about 2 months old. With age being an indicator of your baby's developmental phase, there are other sure signs you no longer have a newborn on your hands. And many milestones are still to come past the newborn phase!

What is the hardest part of having twins? ›

Most bleary-eyed parents would agree that the lack of sleep is perhaps the worst thing about having baby twins. Any newborn is likely to keep odd hours, but balancing the demands of two newborns means that sleep is a scarce commodity for parents of twins.

At what age are twins the hardest? ›

Some say that twins are always hard (yet amazing), while others say they truly didn't find them to be difficult. A few said that the first two months with twins are easy (being in the rose-colored glasses phase), then reality hits from months 3-6 (when the sleep deprivation catches up), then it can get easier again.

How long do newborn twins stay in hospital? ›

Depending on the type of birth you're having and any complications you or baby might have, expect to stay there between 2-4 nights. I had a Cesarean with twins and our insurance would have covered four nights but we opted to stay just three.

How do you handle a newborn twin alone? ›

To raise twins alone and maintain sanity, you should:
  1. Ask for help. It's advisable to reach out to friends and relatives for help when raising twins. ...
  2. Develop routines. ...
  3. Feed them simultaneously. ...
  4. Link up with other parents raising twins single-handedly. ...
  5. Avoid comparing them.

How soon can twins be born and survive? ›

A little more than half of twin pregnancies end in preterm delivery (before 37 weeks). While 40 weeks is the full gestation period of the average pregnancy, most twin pregnancies are delivered at approximately 36 weeks (range 32-38 weeks depending on the type of twin pregnancy).

How do you cope with losing a twin baby? ›

If you make your loss part of everyday conversation then it's likely that your friends and relatives will too, rather than avoiding the issue. Your friends and family can help by not focusing solely on the surviving baby. Mentioning by name the twin who has been lost gives you the opportunity to express your grief.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.