CCI Technology Services And Support Site (2024)


The instructions below will tell you how to add a "Weighted Column" to "Full Grade Center" in Blackboard Learn. A "Weighted Column" is a type of "Calculated Column," which is a column that uses other columns to calculate either a total, min/max, or average. The "Weighted Column" lets you total up other columns and assign percentage weights to those columns in various ways.

Please visitEditing a Weighted Columnfor alternate instructions.

Edit a Weighted Total Column

To edit the settings for a "Weighted Total," do the following.

  1. In "Full Grade Center" in your Bb Learn course section,
    click the circled down arrow in the top row of the "Weighted Total" column.
    That column might be named something else by you or a previous instructor.
  2. Click "Edit Column Information."
  3. If you don't already have a column whose "Column Name" is "BannerGrade," change the column name to "BannerGrade" to make submitting your final grades at the end of the quarter easier.

    IMPORTANT: There should ONLY be 1 "BannerGrade" column in "Full Grade Center."
    Column names in "Full Grade Center" may have a nickname or alias or "Grade Center Name" different from the "Column Name" that appears in "Full Grade Center" instead.
    We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you check ALL other Total or Weighted Total or final grade columns by repeating steps 1 and 2 above to see those other columns' "Column Names".

  4. If you wish, enter a "Grade Center Name." This changes how the name of the column will display in "Full Grade Center" only. Students will still see the "Column Name" in their "My Grades" area.
  5. If you wish, enter a "Description." This appears to students in their "My Grades" area.
  6. Select what the "Primary Display" for the column should be.

    "Primary Display" appears to you in "Full Grade Center" and to students in their "My Grades" area.
    "Score" is a numeric score.
    "Letter" is a letter grade.
    If you choose "Letter,"
    see the webpage below on configuring your Bb Learn course shell's letter grade schema.
    Bb Learn Grade Center -- Letter Grades and Checking the Grading Schema
    "Text" lets you enter words, phrases, etc.
    "Percentage" displays the score out of 100%.
    "Complete/Incomplete" will display a check and award points if any character (including a zero or "0") is entered.

  7. Select an option if you wish for the "Secondary Display."
    This offers the leftover options from "Primary Display."
    The "Secondary Display" only appears to you in "Full Grade Center," not to students.
  8. If a column or category is missing from the "Selected Columns" box:
    1. If you want to add a column:

      1. Click on a column name in the "Columns to Select" box.
      2. Click the upper > sign next to the "Selected Columns" box.
      3. Enter the weight percentage you want for that column.
    2. If you want to add a category of columns, follow steps i-vi below.

      Note: A "Category" is a way of organizing columns in "Full Grade Center." If you select a category of columns, then all columns in that category will be totaled and/or calculated together according to what you specify and given the percentage weight you specify. More on assigning categories to columns and creating categories is below.

      1. Click a category from the "Categories to Select" box.
      2. Click the lower > sign next to the "Selected Columns" box.
      3. Enter the weight percentage you want for the category.
      4. Decide if all the columns in that category will be evenly weighted against one another or if the columns in the category will be weighed proportionately according to their individual grade point values.
      5. Decide if you want to drop a certain number of the highest or lowest grades and enter a number in the appropriate box or boxes if you do. If you don't want to do this, leave the "Highest Grades" and "Lowest Grades" boxes empty. Grades will only be dropped if one or both of the "Highest Grades" or "Lowest Grades" boxes are filled.
      6. Decide if you want to use only the highest or lowest grade in the category to calculate the grade for category. Only the highest or lowest grade in the category will be dropped if you select either "Lowest Value to Calculate" or "Highest Value to Calculate."
  9. If a column or category in the "Selected Columns" box needs to be edited:
    If you want to edit a column's weight percentage, then edit the number next to the % sign for that column.
  10. If you want to add a columnin the "Selected Columns" box:
    Click on a column name in the "Columns to Select" box.
    Click the upper > sign next to the "Selected Columns" box.
    Enter the weight percentage you want for that column.
  11. If you want to add a category of columns in the "Selected Columns" box:
    Click a category from the "Categories to Select" box.
    Click the lower > sign next to the "Selected Columns" box.
    Enter the weight percentage you want for the category.
    Decide if all the columns in that category will be evenly weighted against one another,
    Or if the columns in the category will be weighed proportionately according to their individual grade point values.

    Note:A "Category" is a way of organizing columns in "Full Grade Center." If you select a category of columns, then all columns in that category will be totaled and/or calculated together according to what you specify and given the percentage weight you specify.

    More on assigning categories to columns and creating categories is in the next section below.

    Also, if you want to edit the category one or more columns belong to, see next section.


  12. If using a categoryin the "Selected Columns" box:
    Decide if you want to drop a certain number of the highest or lowest grades.

    If you do, enter a number in the appropriate box or boxes.

    If you do not, leave the "Highest Grades" and "Lowest Grades" boxes empty.
    Grades will only be dropped if one or both of the "Highest Grades" or "Lowest Grades" boxes are filled.

  13. If using a categoryin the "Selected Columns" box:
    Decide if you want to use only the highest or lowest grade in the category to calculate the grade for category.

    Only the highest or lowest grade in the category will be dropped
    if you select either "Lowest Value to Calculate" or "Highest Value to Calculate."

  14. If using a categoryin the "Selected Columns" box:
    Edit the weight percentage you want next to % sign for the category.

  15. If using a categoryin the "Selected Columns" box:
    Decide if all the columns in that category will be evenly weighted against one another,
    Or if the columns in the category will be weighed proportionately according to their individual grade point values.

  16. If using a categoryin the "Selected Columns" box:
    Decide if you want to drop a certain number of the highest or lowest grades.

    If you do, enter a number in the appropriate box or boxes.

    If you do not, leave the "Highest Grades" and "Lowest Grades" boxes empty.
    Grades will only be dropped if one or both of the "Highest Grades" or "Lowest Grades" boxes are filled.

  17. Use above steps to add all columns and/or categories in the "Selected Columns" box
    until you add up to 100%
    & match your syllabus.

  18. Decide if you want to calculate this "Weighted Column" as a running total or not.

    If you select "Yes," then only other columns in Grade Center that have grades will be included in the calculations for the "Weighted Column."

    Columns or cells within columns with no grades (even if they have an attempt or submission in them) are exempted and will not count for or against students or a student.

    If you select "No," then all grade columns, with or without grades, will count towards the total.

    It's generally recommended to enter a "0" or a grade of some sort for every grade column by the end of the quarter, no matter which option you choose here, just to make sure there are no errors or misunderstandings.

  19. If you want to "Include this Column in Grade Center," select "Yes" next to that option; otherwise, select "No."

    Please note that "Weighted Columns" are not included in other calculated columns' calculations unless they are specifically selected to be included.

    If you simply specify all grade columns in other calculated columns, "Weighted Columns" and other calculated columns are not included.

    If you select "No" here, then you won't be able to include this "Weighted Column" in other calculated columns' calculations.

  20. If you want to "Show this Column to Students," select "Yes" next to that option; otherwise, select "No."

  21. If you want to "Show Statistics (average and median) for this column to Students in My Grades," select "Yes" next to that option; otherwise, select "No."

  22. Click "Submit" to save your settings.

Managing Column Categories

If you included a category of columns in the "Weighted Total," then you should make sure that all the grade columns you want to be included in a category are actually included in that category, and that no other grade columns are in that category.

You can see and assign columns to categories by doing the following.

  1. In "Full Grade Center" in your Bb Learn course or shell, click "Manage."
  2. Click "Column Organization."
  3. Look at the "Category" column and see if the correct category is listed for each column. Grade Center columns will appear as rows.
  4. If one or more Grade Center columns need to be changed to a specific category or no category:
    1. Select the check box in each row of the Grade Center columns that need to be changed.
    2. Click "Change Category to…"
    3. Select the appropriate category or "No Category."
    4. Repeat this step to assign all the Grade Center columns to the appropriate categories.
  5. If you need to create a new category, see below.
  6. Click "Submit" to save your change, or "Cancel" to go back to "Full Grade Center" without saving your changes.

Creating or Editing Column Categories

If you want to create a category or edit a category you created in "Full Grade Center," do the following.

  1. In "Full Grade Center" in your Bb Learn course or shell, click "Manage."
  2. Click "Categories."
  3. Create a category or edit a category you created. To create a category:
    1. Click "Create Category."
    2. Enter the "Name" for the category.
    3. Enter a "Description" if you wish. Descriptions are only visible on the "Categories" page accessed in step 2.
    4. Click "Submit."To edit a category (some categories can't be edited):
  4. Hover over the category's "Title" with your mouse.
  5. Click the circled down arrow next to that "Title."
  6. Click "Edit."
  7. Modify the "Name" for the category.
  8. Modify or enter a "Description" if you wish. Descriptions are only visible on the "Categories" page accessed in step 2.
  9. Click "Submit."
  10. Click "OK" in the lower right to return to "Full Grade Center."

Additional Notes


  • "Running Total"? What does this mean?
    It means that if you do not enter a grade for a student in a column,
    then that graded assignment/test/quiz/project/activity
    does NOT count FOR NOR AGAINST the student.
    ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS enter a 0 (zero)
    in for a graded assignment/test/quiz/project/activity
    if the student has not submitted it yet.
    If you are letting the student submit late, fine. Wait to enter the 0.
    But change that grade before final grades are submitted (incomplete's excepted).
  • I have 7 assignments worth 30% of the grade.
    What do I enter for the percentage?
    Look at this example!!! :-)
    You can have up to 5 decimal places when you enter a value in a percent.
    So if you have 7 assignments that are 30% of the grade...
    30/7 = 4.285714...(goes on).
    So enter 4.28571 as the % or precentage in for each assignment column
    in the Weighted Total Select Columns area.

    What if you don't quite add up to 100%?
    Change the last digit in one of these values.
    Use4.28572 or 4.28573 or 4.2857 even.
    Those last 1-2 digits are so small that they no significant difference,
    except helping you get to 100%, which makes things easier.

Optional and Advanced Settings.

  • Leave "Include this Column in Grade Center Calculations" set to "Yes.""Weighted Columns" are not included in other total or calculated columns' calculations unless they are specifically selected to be included.
  • For "Show this Column to Students," select "Yes." Unless this is not the overall grade for the course. Some column should always show to students showing them their current overall grade.
  • If you want to "Show Statistics (average and median) for this column to Students in My Grades," select "Yes" next to that option; otherwise, select "No."
  • What about the other Primary and Secondary Display Options? For "Weighted Total," the other options lead to confusing results "Text" lets you enter words, phrases, etc. "Complete/Incomplete" will display a check and award points if any character (including a zero or "0") is entered. "Score" is the numeric score or points accumulated, but with "Weighted Total," you get a mathematically accurate but often very odd looking value because of all the ratios used in calculated weighted total.

Checking the Letter or Other Grading Schema

SeeGrade Center -- Letter Grades and Checking the Grading Schema

Categories in Weighted Total Columns

You can assign Categories to columns in the Full Grade Center grading table.

Then, when you are editing or creating a Weighted Total column, or a Total column,
you can assign that Category of columns a certain percentage of the overall grade.

Every column in the Assignment category could be 35% or 20% or 40% or what you will percentage wise.

Same for a Test category or Discussion category or whatever category you want.


"Category" is a way of tagging or marking columns in useful ways in "Full Grade Center."

If you select a category of columns, then all columns in that category will be totaled and/or calculated together according to what you specify and given the percentage weight you specify.

If you use Categories at all,you MUST go in Full Grade Center to Manage > Column Organization,scroll down, and check to see what Category EVERY graded test, assignment, discussion, quiz, or other graded activity belongs to.

You can change the Categories here.

Need to ADD A CATEGORY?Go back out to Full Grade Center, then Manage > Categories > Create. Enter a word or phrase and click submit. Then go back to Manage > Column Organization in Full Grade Center to assign columns to categories.

More on assigning categories to columns and creating categories is below.

And you must make sure you have ALLthegraded tests, assignments, discussions, quizzes, or other graded activities...

If a graded test, assignment, discussion, quiz, or other graded activityis marked (Hidden),
or you are not using thatgraded test, assignment, discussion, quizzes, or other graded activity...

Calculating Grades - Additional Considerations

  • BB Learn Grade Center - Calculating Grades
  • BB Learn Grade Center - Calculating Grades - Additional Options
CCI Technology Services And Support Site (2024)


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