Carlist wars | Spanish history (2024)

In Isabella II

…accession precipitated civil war (First Carlist War, 1833–39). During Isabella’s minority (1833–43), her mother and Gen. Baldomero Espartero, a hero of the civil war, acted successively as regents. In 1843 Espartero was deposed by military officers and Isabella was declared of age.

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Quadruple Alliance of 1834

  • In Quadruple Alliance

    …Don Carlos in the First Carlist War (1833–39). In Portugal the alliance successfully supported Maria da Glória by intervening in the Miguelite Wars (1828–34) and expelling the reactionary Dom Miguel from Portugal. The cooperation between France and Britain in the affairs of the Iberian Peninsula broke down in 1846, when…

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second Carlist War

  • In Carlos María de los Dolores de Borbón y Austria-este, duke de Madrid

    …bloody civil war, the Second Carlist War (1872–76). Although the Carlists scored some notable successes, their cause was doomed by the accession of Isabella’s son Alfonso XII to the throne in 1874.

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Spanish modern history

  • Carlist wars | Spanish history (1)

    In Spain: The Carlist wars

    The dynastic war between Isabelline liberalism and Carlism was a savage civil war between urban liberalism and rural traditionalism, between the poorly paid and poorly equipped regular army of the liberal governments, supporting Isabella, and the semi-guerrilla forces of the Carlists. The Carlist…

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Key PeopleRamón Cabrera Carlos María Isidro de Borbón, conde de Molina Pascual Cervera y Topete Baldomero Espartero, prince de Vergara Ramón María Narváez, duke de Valencia Leopoldo O’Donnell, duke de Tetuán

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Although the Carlists were defeated, thereafter they upheld their cause in the face of the constitutional regime of Isabella and unsuccessful attempts to effect a dynastic reconciliation through a marriage between Isabella II and Don Carlos’s heir, Don Carlos, conde de…","publisher":{"name":"Encyclopedia Britannica","@type":"Organization","logo":{"url":"","@type":"ImageObject"}},"@context":"","@type":"article"},"studentArticle":false,"initialLoad":true}

Carlist wars




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Spanish history

Learn about this topic in these articles:

defeat of Carlists

  • In Carlism

    …its ideological overtones provoked the Carlist War of 1833–39. Although the Carlists were defeated, thereafter they upheld their cause in the face of the constitutional regime of Isabella and unsuccessful attempts to effect a dynastic reconciliation through a marriage between Isabella II and Don Carlos’s heir, Don Carlos, conde de…

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first Carlist War

  • In Tomás de Zumalacárregui y de Imaz

    …Spanish throne, in the First Carlist War (1833–39).

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precipitated by accession of Isabella II

  • Carlist wars | Spanish history (9)

    In Isabella II

    …accession precipitated civil war (First Carlist War, 1833–39). During Isabella’s minority (1833–43), her mother and Gen. Baldomero Espartero, a hero of the civil war, acted successively as regents. In 1843 Espartero was deposed by military officers and Isabella was declared of age.

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Quadruple Alliance of 1834

  • In Quadruple Alliance

    …Don Carlos in the First Carlist War (1833–39). In Portugal the alliance successfully supported Maria da Glória by intervening in the Miguelite Wars (1828–34) and expelling the reactionary Dom Miguel from Portugal. The cooperation between France and Britain in the affairs of the Iberian Peninsula broke down in 1846, when…

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second Carlist War

  • In Carlos María de los Dolores de Borbón y Austria-este, duke de Madrid

    …bloody civil war, the Second Carlist War (1872–76). Although the Carlists scored some notable successes, their cause was doomed by the accession of Isabella’s son Alfonso XII to the throne in 1874.

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Spanish modern history

  • Carlist wars | Spanish history (10)

    In Spain: The Carlist wars

    The dynastic war between Isabelline liberalism and Carlism was a savage civil war between urban liberalism and rural traditionalism, between the poorly paid and poorly equipped regular army of the liberal governments, supporting Isabella, and the semi-guerrilla forces of the Carlists. The Carlist…

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Carlist wars | Spanish history (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.