24 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Kids [Indoor Winter Games] - Kid Activities (2024)

These fun indoor winter activities for kids is the list you have been looking for. Here you will find 24 winter themed activities and games to keep the kids busy when they are cooped up.

Indoor Winter Activities and Games for Kids

1. Three ideas for indoor snowball fun

You will need:

Several sheets of white paperHula-Hoop
Laundry basketPing-Pong ball
Empty plastic soda bottle

Crumple up the sheets of paper to make paper snowballs and try one or more of the following activities with the children:

  1. Set a Hula-Hoop on the floor and try to toss the snowballs into the circle.
  2. Place a laundry basket on a table and try to toss the snowballs into the basket.
  3. Place a Ping-Pong ball on the mouth of an empty plastic soda bottle, then try to knock off the ball with the snowballs without knocking over the bottle.

2. Snowball fight

  • Crumple up several sheets of paper to make snowballs. Before play begins, create a safe zone to which the children may run.
  • Have one player hide (turn their back) with a stack of ‘snowballs’. The other players pretend to ice-skate, ski, or play in the snow.
  • With a shout of “Snowball Fight!” the hidden player begins to throw snowballs at the players, who must run to the safe zone before a snowball hits them.
  • If the snowball thrower doesn’t hit a player with a snowball, he must return to his hiding place, and play resumes.
  • If a player is hit, he becomes the hidden player.
  • (With a larger group have 2 or 3 snowball throwers)

3. Large seasonal tic-tac-toe

Adapt tic-tac-toe to play at different seasons and holidays. Take a large piece of poster board and draw the tic tac toe lines on it and laminate if possible.For winter – Make winter shape templates of mittens and hats, or snowballs and snowmen.

Cut out the shapes (laminate if possible) and play as usual.

4. Winter pictionary


Blackboard and chalk or a Dry Erase board. Also markers, slips of paper with different winter items/objects on each one, a container for words and timer.

Example of winter Pictionary words:
mittens, coat, snowflake, sled, ice-skates, snowman, etc.

Divide the kids into teams. The player up draws a slip of paper from the bowl and then reads it silently and hands to it to the facilitator.

The player must then draw clues as to what was on their paper – their team guesses what it is. If the playing team guesses correctly, before the timer runs out, they get two points.

If the playing team cannot guess correctly, before the timer runs out, the opposing team may take one guess. If the opposing team guesses correctly they get a point and the playing team loses a point. Most points win.

For small children don’t divide into teams, use a timer, or keep track of points. Just play until someone in the class yells out the right answer.

5. Winter“Simon Says”

24 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Kids [Indoor Winter Games] - Kid Activities (1)

Play Simon Says according to the season and theme:
Frosty Says,The Snowman Says, The Polar Bear Says, The Penguin Says, The Gingerbread Boy (or Girl) Says, etc.

6. How about a good old-fashioned snowball fight?(California Style)

I live in Southern CA where we don’t get snow. So, each December with my older group of children we assemble about 200 snowballs using newspaper and masking tape. (Or crumpled up paper)On cold days or on days we can’t be outside, we have a snowball fight.

Divide the group into two teams. Put each team on opposite sides of the room with the pile of snowballs in the middle. On go, each team must try to get as many snowballs on the other team’s side as fast as possible. I usually time them for about 1-2 minutes.

At the stop, all of the snowballs are on the ground, and staff assists the children in gathering them into one pile and counting. The team with the least snowballs is the winner.

Of course, you have to have the typical rules: you can’t throw them at anyone, yada yada! Have fun.

7. Human snowblower table game

Race against time and competitors to puff your ball to the finish line.


  • Large paper cups
  • Table
  • Ping-Pong ball
  • Paper towel tubes

How to play:

  1. To set up, hang three large paper cups with tape off one side of a table, so that the cup openings are level with the table’s surface. Fill each cup halfway with small prizes. (If it’s a party; forget the prizes if it’s NOT a party)
  2. Give the first two players paper towel tubes and explain that when you place a Ping-Pong ball in front of each of them, they must blow through the tubes like a snowblower. (Point out that a gentle breath is all it takes to get the “snowball” rolling.)
  3. Each contestant will have 15 seconds to direct the ball across the table and into one of the paper cups; if the ball goes over the edge first, that player’s turn is over. Each winner gets to pick one prize from the cup – and the playing continues until each cup is empty.

(Just play if there are no prizers. This could be an on-going winter game; if it is, have the kids decorate their paper towel tubes with construction paper, stickers, ribbon, drawings, etc.

8. Penguin shuffle

This is an Indoor race that challenges kids’ balancing skills – penguin style.


Beanbag or Hacky Sack-style footbag

How to play:

Have children stand side by side with their “eggs” (beanbags or Hacky Sack-style footbags) on top of their feet. Players try to shuffle across the room without dropping their “eggs.” The first one to succeed wins.

9. Snowflakes keep fallin’ on my head (A Relay Game)

Supplies: A 5-inch paper snowflake per team, masking tape or chalk

Divide children into equal teams. Use tape or chalk to mark a starting and turning point – about 10 feet apart for each team. Give the first team members a paper snowflake.

At the signal, the first players place the snowflakes on their heads and clasp their hands behind their backs. They walk to the turning point and back.. If the snowflake falls off, players must return to the starting point and begin again.

10. Go ice skating

24 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Kids [Indoor Winter Games] - Kid Activities (2)

Collect plastic grocery bags. Tie one on each foot. (This will take a little time.) Have children go into the gym and play a game – but they have to skate on the bags! Basketball is a riot!

11. Play 20 questionswinter style

One person picks somethingthat isWINTER RELATED, and then the rest of the children ask “Yes -or -No- questions’ (up to 20 questions only) until someone guesses who/or whatthe person has chosen.

Another version of this game is to place something “Winter-ish”IN A BOX that the children can’t see. Play the game from there! (You could put in a mitten, snowball-in a baggie), hat, paper snowflake, chap-stick, etc.)

12. Snowball relay game


  • Styrofoam ball for each team
  • Pencil for each team

How To Play:

Divide into teams. The first child on each team will be given a Styrofoam ball (snowball) and a pencil.
On your mark- they are to bend over, place the ball on the floor, and push the ball with the pencil across the room, around an obstacle, and back to the next child on a team. The first team to finish wins.

13. Snowball race

You’ll need:

Styrofoam balls or balls of white yarn, spoons and mittens for each team.

Play this game as you would any relay race. Divide into teams. Each player takes turns putting on mittens and balancing a “snowball” on a spoon while racing to the other side of the room.

Drop the snowball into a bucket, return to the team, pass the mittens, and go to the back of the line. The first team to complete the race wins!

14. Jack frost game

Materials:Draw Snowball, snowflake and icicle shapes on paper, chairs or carpet squares, tape

Divide kids into 3 groups.

  • The snowballs
  • The snowflakes
  • The icicles.

Tape one labeled paper shape on each child to indicate what group they are part of. Have the children sit in a circle on chairs or carpet squares.
Choose one child to be Jack Frost and have him/her stand in the center of the circle.

Remove Jack Frost’s seat from the group so there is one seat less than the number of kids playing the game.

Begin by having Jack Frost call out ONE group name – such as “snowballs” (or one of the other two)

When a group hears their group name called, the children of THAT group run to a NEW chair in the circle. (All in that group switch seats) At the same time, Jack Frost tries to get into one of the empty seats…
Whoever is NOT in a seat is the NEW Jack Frost.
Jack may also call out SNOWSTORM! If so, All kids find new seats!

I first thought this game is only for younger children; however, even 3-5 graders wanted to play too! I join in and play with them. Laugh and have a good time. When adults laugh and play too, the kids have a better time! Barb

15. Marshmallow snowball fight

24 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Kids [Indoor Winter Games] - Kid Activities (3)

Do you have a ‘small’ group? If so, during the winter months when children can’t get outside or if you live in a warm climate and want to have a snowball fight – use large marshmallows.

The children stand across from each other and start throwing. Put the marshmallows into containers. The side that makes them all disappear first wins. After they all hit the floor you can use again to throw some more.

Remind the children they can’t eat them after they hit the floor or ground! This is a fun activity for ages 3 and up.

16. Snowball over the mountain


  • Sheet
  • White balloons are blown up
  • Adults to help

How To Play:

Children are divided into two teams. A sheet (the mountain) is held above eye level between the two groups by adults or tall youth (holding each end). Each side throws snowballs (white balloons) over to the other side.

17. Shoebox skatingreally race


  • Tootsie Rolls (1 for each child)
  • Shoebox for each team, Bell for each team
  • 2 mittens for each team
  • 2 bowls for each team

How To Play:

  • Place tootsie rolls, in a bowl, at the opposite end of the room.
  • Divide the children into two or more relay teams.
  • Explain that when you say, “GO” the first person on each team will put on the mittens, step into the shoe boxes, and race to the other end of the room.
  • They are then to pick up a tootsie roll out of the bowl and race back to their team still wearing their mittens and shoe boxes.
  • Pass the mittens and shoebox to the next person in line, sit down, eat your tootsie roll.
  • The first team to finish eating their tootsie rolls wins!

18. Dress your teacher race!

  • Have a large area with two adults and their own gloves, hats, coats, scarves, and boots laying next to them.
  • The children l line up in front of one of the adults and one at a time run up and place an item of winter on the adult.
  • The first team done, wins.
  • Children love the excitement of this game and it also gets a lot of energy out on days it is too cold to go outside!

19. Snowball throw

Supplies: A line is drawn or taped on the floor – pre-made tissue paper snowballs.

How To Play:

  • Set a time for 2-3 minutes.
  • Yell, “GO”!
  • Each team throws their tissue paper snowballs back and forth across the lines.
  • When the timer goes off, the team with the LEAST amount of snowballs on their side wins.

20. A Floridan snow idea

My kids (all ages) have a great time balling up old newspapers and then taking the “snowballs” outside for an old-fashioned snowball fight.

Just remember that newspaper can leave inky hands, you could also use that rejected copy paper that is saved in a trash bag or large marshmallows (both read about elsewhere on this site) for warm climate winter game ideas!

21. Pass the ice(Young kids)

24 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Kids [Indoor Winter Games] - Kid Activities (4)

Play just like hot potato only with an ice cube. When the music stops… clap for the person with the ice.

22. Pass the snowball– Circle game (For younger kids)

When you have snow – make a couple of snowballs and freeze them until they are very hard.

Have the children put on their mittens. and play the “Wonder-ball game”.
While passing the snowball around the circle have children memorize and say,

“The wonder ball goes round and round. To pass it quickly, you are bound. If you’re the one to hold it last. The game for you has quickly passed. Out goes Y-O-U!”

The children sit out the rest of that round (or you can have them stay in – it’s your choice how you play this part)
The kids will think it’s fun wearing their mittens during the inside time – to play this game.

23. Inside skating rink

There have been several games here describing games that simulate “indoor ice-skating”. This is what we do with our kinder-program.We make a skating rink on the carpet by placing the tape on the floor as an outline and then put wax paper on the children’s shoes. They really like to do this – and it’s also good for indoor large motor skills.

24. Winter ‘magazine’ scavenger hunt


  • 10-12 magazines for each team
  • Scissors for each team
  • Construction paper
  • Glue or stapler

Create identical lists of winter items.
Example: snow, mittens, gloves, ice skates, winter coat/jacket, sled, hot cocoa, ice, snowman, igloo, earmuffs, scarf, polar bear, Christmas tree, holiday toys, a winter scene, Holiday food, etc.

  1. Divide the players into two or more teams.
  2. Give each team a stack of magazines, scissors, and a Scavenger list
  3. Have teams search the magazines for the items on their list to cut out. Glue or staple to the construction paper.

The team has found the most items at the end of the time wins. (Remember this activity-it can be adapted to any other time of the year!)

Have fun with the otherwinter pages:

  • Hot Cocoa Recipes and Fun
  • Winter Outside SnowGames

  • Winter Outside Fun
  • Winter Inside Fun
  • Snowman Themed Games
  • Snowman Themed Arts and Crafts
  • Miscellaneous Snowman Ideas
  • Snowman Themed Snacks
  • Reindeer Theme
  • Snowflake Theme

There you have it, 24 fun indoor winter activities for kids. We hope you enjoy these activity and games and that you can make your day indoors a memorable one.

24 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Kids [Indoor Winter Games] - Kid Activities (2024)


What games can children play indoors? ›

Make sure your children know how to play traditional games and activities you and your grandparents enjoyed including:
  • skipping.
  • two ball.
  • jacks.
  • German jumps.
  • kerbside.
  • tag.
  • hide and seek.
  • Simon says.

What is 10 indoor game? ›

Popular Indoor Games
ChessA strategic board game for two players.
JengaA tower-stacking game with wooden blocks.
PictionaryA drawing and guessing game.
TwisterA game involving balancing on colored circles.
Snakes and LaddersA dice game on a board with snakes and ladders.
5 more rows
Mar 18, 2024

What games do you play in winter? ›

List of winter sports
  • Ice skating.
  • Skiing.
  • Sledding.
  • Snowboarding.
  • Snowmobiling.
  • Team sports.
  • Other sports.
  • Recreational sports.

What is the five indoor game? ›

Five popular indoor games are chess, table tennis, Scrabble, charades, and Monopoly. These games are great for entertainment and can be played inside the house.

What is a popular indoor game? ›

Indoor games include chess, card games, games played with gamesmen and dice and carrom. The game known by various names as Kachkavadya or Chaukabara, or Indian Ludo is very popular among indoor games.

How many types of indoor games are there? ›

Popular indoor games include Chess, Ludo, snakes, ladders, Table tennis, scrabble, Uno, Carrom, etc.

How do you play 10x10 game? ›

10x10 Overview

To play this free game, simply place the blocks onto the 10x10 grid. Once you have created a full vertical or horizontal line, it will disappear. But be careful - the game ends if you run out of room on the grid to place any of the blocks. Good luck!

What are the 5 indoor and outdoor games? ›

Page 1
  • CHAPTER-5. Indoor games and Outdoor games. Pg no.11&12.
  • Eg: 1) Playing cards. 2) Carrom. 3) Chess. 4) Table tennis. 5) Puzzles. ...
  • ➢ Games that are played outside are known as Outdoor games. For ex… 1) Baseball. 2) Basketball.
  • 3) Cricket. 4) Surfing. 5) Football. 6) Boating. 7) Rugby. ...
  • A. B. Bat Ball. Indoor games. Carrom.

What winter activity are most popular? ›

The main international winter sport event is the Winter Olympic Games. In the United States, skiing and snowboarding are among the most popular winter sports.

Which activity is the best in winter? ›

Try these outdoor activities:
  • Brisk walking or hiking.
  • Jogging or running.
  • Raking leaves.
  • Shoveling snow.
  • Ice skating.
  • Sledding.
  • Cross-country skiing.
  • Snowshoeing.
Jan 5, 2024

How do kids play in the snow? ›

From sledding to snowball fights, catching snowflakes and making snow angels, wintertime affords the whole family so many options and so much fun. Wrap your kids up warmly and get them outdoors to play in the snow. They'll be active, they'll get fresh air, and they may never again want to trade snow in for sand.

How do I entertain my 2 year old without toys? ›

Play a Quick Game
  1. Play a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors."
  2. Arm or thumb wrestle for a few minutes to keep those little hands busy. ...
  3. Play patty-cake or teach your child some clapping games. ...
  4. Play a fun game like "20 questions" or "I went to ...". ...
  5. Speak pig Latin or make up your own secret code.
Jul 30, 2021

How long should a 2 year old play in the snow? ›

Toddlers and Preschool

If there is snow, make sure the hands and feet are kept dry. Playtime outside for toddlers in cold weather should be limited – preferably less than 30 minutes. Of course, if temperatures are extreme (below zero actual or wind chill), keep the children indoors to play.

How long can 2 year old play in snow? ›

Dr. Tripathy said toddlers can play out in the snow for 20 to 30 minutes at a time but never in temperatures of -15 degrees Fahrenheit and below. He added that they should be properly dressed in warm coats, gloves, hats, snow pants, and boots.

What is the most kid friendly game? ›

With that, here are our picks for the best kids' video games on all current platforms.
  • Among Us. 4.0. $0.00 at Apple App Store. ...
  • Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs. 3.5. ...
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons. 4.0. ...
  • Blanc. 3.5. ...
  • Crossy Road. $0.00 at Apple App Store. ...
  • Cuphead. 4.0. ...
  • Disney Dreamlight Valley. $29.99 at Steam. ...
  • Disney Illusion Island. 3.5.

What games are safe for kids to play? ›

34 Safe Kids' Games To Enjoy Indoors
  • Tic-tac-toe.
  • Hangman.
  • Sudoku.
  • Go Fish card game.
  • Snap card game.
  • Solitaire card game.
  • War card game.
  • Chess.
Jan 22, 2024

What is indoor play for early childhood? ›

Find an empty box/carton and place your child in it safely with some soft blankets to keep her comfortable. Then, pull the box around while making car noises: “vroom vroom!” She will have fun zipping around the house in her new go mobile (and you'll get some exercise, too!).


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.